...Currently being in the state and dimension of continuous evolution..it was vital to be around that kind of love, experience, and intellect from my families perspective as well as my cousin's other side of the family and friends. Geeesh, I can't believe Nisaa and Adrian have already been married for TWO years!..huge congrats..and a huge congrats to the bundle of joy that will soon join the partay in the coming month or so...
So I want to say I love you and thank you to all of my family ESPECIALLY my Aunt Debbie that made it possible. No REALLY, she's the ONLY reason my ass made it up there with no problem. haha, it's funny because she and I look more related than I do to my mom and same with her and her kids. But I guess that would make sense, she's my dad's sister..and of course the male has the more dominant genes ..and I look like both of them. lmao
fyi - little JAMtastic fun fact, my Aunt Debbie likes Killswitch Engage. how DOPE and great is THAT?! :-P
Anyhoot, enjoy some of the pics from Nisaa's baby shower that I high-jacked from other people's pages..lmao..thanks Nate! haha...

Aunt Debbie & JAM

Aunt Debbie, JAM, (Cousin) Amina

Amina, and her friend Adrian

(Cousin) Nate, (Cousin) Nisaa and her husband Adrian

lol, them again but actually looking at the camera

Myesha (kinda cousin?)..lol it's Nisaa & Nate's direct cousin..

Myesha and her husband..lol during the guess what baby is who? lmao actually a fun game.. a lot of smack talkin going around..lmao
Back to this bus: we've taken off since I've written this..lmao and I caught this bus a bit before it was to leave @ 7am..and I guess it makes stops to the different hotels to pick people up. A lot cheaper than a taxi cab (for a long distance travel in Nor. Cal), only $32 to take what they call.. "the shuttle"..lmao..aw man I'm looking at this sign that says the DoubleTree has a Starbucks. aaw man, the sacrifices we make to get some coffee in the a.m. lmao I guess I'll have to get it at the airport instead..lol when I get there at like 10 a.m. hahaha.. lets see it's 7:24a.m. haha I guess I should take the time to get this alcohol after taste off of my breath. I almost killed a bottle of sparkling red wine..lol and I'm not hung over in the least... maybe I'm getting my super Cabo powers back? eh, I don't know..lmao
..Alrighty, geesh the sun is out AND about..sunglasses time. And maybe I'll catch some zzz's on here if the rattling and shaking of the bus doesn't become too much of a distraction for my most precious of sleep. Until than party people.......enjoy these JAMtastic baby flicks I dug in the crates for..lmao.. these didn't make it on the Guess baby game, I'll have to get that pic from Aunt Debbie that she put on there..lmao it's pretty stellar with a cowboy hat..lmao good times mayne..

JAM fresh from gaining my color back - lol i turned purple and blue because the umbilical cord was around my neck and my other Aunt that is a nurse, "Tatie Lilly"...saved my life.

..i friggin loved my stuffed animals..lmao..this is me at 2 years old.
1 comment:
very precious ..
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