After every monday night's I Want to Work for Diddy, I don't know if you got the memo, but Diddy takes it one step further and brings PAtv to ya via YouTube.
Let me catch you's actually some really good stuff and gives those that may think they have what it takes to work for Diddy a closer insight to how the tune behind the scenes truly goes. I'll put the most recent at the top, lol so you at least know what's the latest and the people that comment on it crack me up and every once in a while you'll catch my postings to their ignorance. lmao
So Today was one of those off beat - random kind of days. Although it started somewhat normal. Waking up to go to a college campus for Campus's victim, USC. It wasn't bad at all, passing out flyers, talking to students getting them amped up for tomorrow's launch day. It went pretty well considering these folks get bombarded on a daily from outside organizations as well as on campus organizations. lol, if I were them, I'd totally curse people out that approached me while rushing to class. But which each flyer I passed out, each student I quickly spoke to..there WAS a method to the madness. Even though promoting guerilla style is somewhat shameless, I tried to at least respect their personal space and through that, I think I got some pretty good results. The people speed walking, cruising on a bike/skateboard/razor (yeah they still use those for some reason), or walking on the farther side of the pathway CLEARLY did NOT want to be bothered. lol everyone else was fair play and I think they didn't mind being approached for the most part. So my day was looking fairly good, then I went home..took a nap..and then that's when my unnecessary side should have probably stayed asleep.
I'm saying, when I woke up a bit early to watch I Want to Work For Diddy to find some interesting news from my father, it tapped into a side I wasn't ready to deal with being half-awake and half-asleep. It got me thinking about how I'm going to resolve such hurdles and the temptations I continue to face almost on a daily. There's a couple of huge temptations I face every blue moon. lol and tonight for some reason had to be that blue moon. It got me thinking about life's temptations I struggle with and this random one that just for some reason won't go to rest. If I had given into what we'll call right now, "Random A" I could probably be a little more at ease in life. haha, if that's not a big enough hint already. The point is, I struggle just like everyone else it's a matter of how strong you are as a person if you can withstand it or not. So far, I'm winning this battle.
We all have our "shiet" to deal with, just understand God will never give you anything you can't handle. Whether I like dealing with it at that moment in time, feeling weak or strong, when I get out of it, I'll be a lot stronger (including more gratfeul and appreciative). So while I hated feeling how I did earlier tonight, I'm stronger and I'm blessed. I can't complain at all, but enjoy life, my family, my real friends, and do it with a smile. A smile that shares the pain and strength of my being. Understand, when I smile and laugh, it's not to hide the pain, it's to share my strength, my happiness, and love (disfunctional or, my inspirations, my experiences with whomever. lol I'm certainly not you're average shmoe, my name is Jameela and welcome to my JAMtastic world. lol and yes more than likely I'm going to use AK {music} to support the vibe of my blogs...
While I sit on this Airport Express bus going from Santa Rosa Airport to the Oakland Airport with a slight twing of California Chandon under the fumes of Crest toothpaste and Extra gum resinating in my boca after my cousin Amina dropped me off...lmao.. I have a bit of time to think of this quick mini vaca. Although quick, brief and very to the point this was one well needed. It was great to see this side of my family. Even though we keep in touch through this new fantastic technology and these social networks (i.e. facebook) was good to have that personal interaction again. This totally wouldn't have been possible if my amazing Aunt Debbie didn't "sponsor" me if you go and enjoy my cousin (her daughter)'s baby shower. This wasn't the Haitian side of my I like to call it my Claremont College side..since seeing as that my dad, my uncle, my cousin Nate and his cousin Michael ALL went to Pomona College while my cousin Nisaa went to Scripps College..lmao and of course you know I went to Pitzer College..and our grandfather was heavily involved with the Claremont Colleges .....lmao so that makes for a pretty fun cluster of 5C good times...HA, plus Nisaa had friends from the 5c's come and rep. lol one of which even helped in the adventures of mission: get JAM to sonoma county. so huge thank you as well Czelena!
...Currently being in the state and dimension of continuous was vital to be around that kind of love, experience, and intellect from my families perspective as well as my cousin's other side of the family and friends. Geeesh, I can't believe Nisaa and Adrian have already been married for TWO years!..huge congrats..and a huge congrats to the bundle of joy that will soon join the partay in the coming month or so...
So I want to say I love you and thank you to all of my family ESPECIALLY my Aunt Debbie that made it possible. No REALLY, she's the ONLY reason my ass made it up there with no problem. haha, it's funny because she and I look more related than I do to my mom and same with her and her kids. But I guess that would make sense, she's my dad's sister..and of course the male has the more dominant genes ..and I look like both of them. lmao fyi - little JAMtastic fun fact, my Aunt Debbie likes Killswitch Engage. how DOPE and great is THAT?! :-P
Anyhoot, enjoy some of the pics from Nisaa's baby shower that I high-jacked from other people's pages..lmao..thanks Nate! haha...
Aunt Debbie & JAM
Aunt Debbie, JAM, (Cousin) Amina
Amina, and her friend Adrian
(Cousin) Nate, (Cousin) Nisaa and her husband Adrian
lol, them again but actually looking at the camera
Myesha (kinda cousin?) it's Nisaa & Nate's direct cousin..
Myesha and her during the guess what baby is who? lmao actually a fun game.. a lot of smack talkin going around..lmao
Back to this bus: we've taken off since I've written this..lmao and I caught this bus a bit before it was to leave @ 7am..and I guess it makes stops to the different hotels to pick people up. A lot cheaper than a taxi cab (for a long distance travel in Nor. Cal), only $32 to take what they call.. "the shuttle" man I'm looking at this sign that says the DoubleTree has a Starbucks. aaw man, the sacrifices we make to get some coffee in the a.m. lmao I guess I'll have to get it at the airport when I get there at like 10 a.m. hahaha.. lets see it's 7:24a.m. haha I guess I should take the time to get this alcohol after taste off of my breath. I almost killed a bottle of sparkling red and I'm not hung over in the least... maybe I'm getting my super Cabo powers back? eh, I don't know..lmao
..Alrighty, geesh the sun is out AND about..sunglasses time. And maybe I'll catch some zzz's on here if the rattling and shaking of the bus doesn't become too much of a distraction for my most precious of sleep. Until than party people.......enjoy these JAMtastic baby flicks I dug in the crates for..lmao.. these didn't make it on the Guess baby game, I'll have to get that pic from Aunt Debbie that she put on there..lmao it's pretty stellar with a cowboy hat..lmao good times mayne.. JAM fresh from gaining my color back - lol i turned purple and blue because the umbilical cord was around my neck and my other Aunt that is a nurse, "Tatie Lilly"...saved my life.
..i friggin loved my stuffed animals..lmao..this is me at 2 years old.
Hey uuuryone. lmao..that was my "yay area" for ya. lmao. I'm getting ready to leave for Nor. Cal - Somona County (close to Santa Rosa) to be exact. So I just wanted to share my most recent thoughts as I've been incredibly tired/busy when I had thoughts of posting, but fell asleep instead. So here we go:
A.) People are seriously OFF their rawker. And note: anyone that isn't understanding to YOUR situation and YOUR world doesn't deserve your time or efforts. If they're not willing to go at your pace, then send them a pink memo stating "YOU CAN GO KICK ROCKS!" no really, sometimes it needs to be done. I'm not a fan of making people sad or emo, lol but if you're already emo to begin with..then please take that production elsewhere. Peace be with you and God speed. lol
B.) As I evolve - those around me must do the same. If you're not progressing in your efforts to do whatever it is you want to do. That doesn't sound like a JAMtastic time. I've learned to except, not everyone is going to get on the same page as the same time..or maybe even ever. However, there IS a difference in doing the same old boring work in comparison to just not working at all. lmao so I'm willing to flex the rules a bit. It's a NEW DAY people!..GO BIG..or PLEEEEEASE GO HOME!
C.) Although hottness and greatness can co-exist with one another in the same soul there will always be PROS and your fair share of CONS. Now it's up to the beholder and the spectator to figure out are these some cons I'd like to deal with? In this case, again, I'm a flexible kinda that's an open joke for ya..lmao enjoy that. eessh. Anyhoot, when you see the cons, that helps to bring you back down to earth with COMMON SENSE and it's thought patterns.
D.) I absolutely am in love with my jobs...working at KNBC NEWS & CAMPUS MOVIEFEST. My hours are pretty insane, but I love every moment of it. To be back in broadcasting, especially at knbc-tv..getting a second chance at life is rare so the fact that my Sports peeps always kept me in mind and always had my back. That's some REAL shit right there. And through that, I've met some really awesome people from the news dept. lmao and ACTUALLY enjoy waking up ass early with my attempts to look fly while running all over the place doing the daily duties. haha while joking with Jennifer Bjorklund about the famous "oomph" (that I spell "uuumph" I don't know how the spelling got changed..but c'est la vie) and chopping it up with Chris Shauble, Elita Loresca, lol and either Steve Truitt or Paul Johnson. Not only the people on set, but those behind the scenes (in the control room, assignment desk, newsroom, reporters). LMAO, pretty dope when Furnell Chatman introduces himself to you. Brittany (Sims) I thought of you when that happened..and just laughed uncontrollably. They've all embraced me with open arms as I'm truly appreciative and blessed to be back and show I can do it and be great. My aspirations to be a Sports Broadcaster are getting closer and closer and I can't wait... :0) No disrespect to that other company that I used to work at, Juice or something or other..lmao.. I'd rather work at a place that I'm truly happy at. lol like I tell my friends, only work somewhere that you wouldn't mind be stressed you gotta be HAPPILY STRESSED OUT. lol plus this is my shiet. this is the stuff that I know and love and groomed myself to do and know! Working on Today In L.A. is good times FA SHO. lol
I'm just enjoying every moment of it. lol while I enjoy all of the enthusiastic folks from CMF and the college students. Bon Qui Qui will never be the same again..lmao
E.) I'm soo stoked to be getting out of town. I love my job, friends, and family..but this is SO necessary to temporarily escape. I'll be going to spend some time with my other family..some of my Claremont College part of the family. My cousin Nisaa is having a baby shower. lol, man..I can't believe she's about to have a kid. So speaking of, I've spent way too much time on this and need to get going to Starbucks and get some cash and be on my way.
oooh AND..congrats to the Sparks for making it to the Western Conference..and to the Dodgers for snabbing the Western NL we gotta get the big doggie!! ..and I'm off. take it easy everyone. Enjoy every moment of life. Love you all.
I write to you from Campus MovieFest @ Whittier College - sitting in the sunshine reminicing in a sense of how my Pitzer College days once were as I had gone down memory lane in my cranium last week when I was here as well. I sit here watching the folks walk across campus, some to go to class, some to go bullshit in the dining hall, some to just sit in the sun and attempt to study..lmao, but end up talking about some drama or hot guy in class....
Well this weekend certainly somewhat stayed with the whole college theme and 'hot guy' of Friday I hadn't completely accomplished the life hurdle of getting over this temporary emo-ness including at the Sparks game. ha, case in point. But the mystery is..lmao, if you don't know who I'm talking's probably better that way to save myself the girly moments. Although for those that HAVE witnessed my emo-ness in real life lol as I battle the inner feelings to neglect from turning them into external emo-ness...I think myself and the amigos had a break through. You see, apparently Capricorns are a DIFFERENT kind of breed altogether which had made my world way more complex than my little Sagittarius soul could digest (at the time). Katie had explained to me at the Sparks game Capricorn 101..which possibly gives me a better idea of what kind of hurdle I'm dealing with along with what kind of amo is needed. lmao.
Anyhoot, after getting a better understanding, my weekend surprisingly was looking after i had caught up on a majority of my lost sleep. And let me just say.. if there's is a WILL there truly is a WAY. no cliche BS. that's real talk. I need dinero. lol so I have TWO jobs. Mind you KNBC is certainly my first and foremost priority..there was what I like to call a 'suicide mission' I did on Tues. that many were weary of going from working my knbc news shift 10am - 6pm then the following day.. my knbc shift: 2am - 10am, napage time: 10:15am - 11:00am, campus moviefest 11:45am - 4pm, napage time: 5pm - 8pm, softball game: 8:30pm - 10:30pm, napage time: 11pm - then going back to the knbc shift.. 2am - 10am..lmao.. it was insane, but sometimes you need to push yourself to stay on top of your game.
..So going back to my fantastic weekend full of friendship and family. It was one of those incredibly necessary weekends as well as productive. Although I didn't get to work on my USC grad school essay, Saturday I slept on and off then caught up with some of my fellow Pitzer alumnus ...and went down memory lane of the funny Pitzer moments we shared (FLEXdollars son! lmao)..later found out about Travis Barker & DJ AM. [Something about it stuck with me, if it was any other celeb..probably wouldn't have cared THAT much]. Then Sunday I helped out a friend in a shitty circumstance they were in..then felt way more productive and got my car WASHED..YES! lmao i know. for those that may not have seen how much of a ragga muffin my car was looking like..RAGGA NO MORE - lol still has water spots (that I need to get detailed this weekend)..but it looks decent when you walk by it..lmao with the glossy lookin tires. reminds me of when I actually cared about my car and TOOK care of it. I need to get back to that place. So later that day I hung out with the fam bam in camarillo..caught up with my mom and broham. had some dinner. did the dishes without being asked (lmao yeah i think my mom was PRETTY surprised I just picked up the dishes and started washing them).then we saw that random ass movie with brad pitt called burn after reading..or something like that. Before I got back on the road to go into the city.. I had to do something else..something that would be fairly symbolic of this NEW that I'm going through and what I've become and hope to evolve I went to the gas station and cleaned all the clutter of shit that was in my door panels..behind my car seats..there is NO more loose paper shit roaming around in my car. It may not seem like a big idea to you..but it's a fairly big DEAL to me, considering I had found stuff dated from 2005 to 2006..LMAO... yeah pretty bad. but i found some pretty sweet silver rings I had purchased in 2006 from the Sterling Silver place @ the glendale galleria that I'm actually sporting right now.
So my JAMtastic point for the day is that if you want to change - do's okay if it's not fine tuned yet..lmao lord knows i'm still trying to master how to PROPERLY put make-up on my face. lmao but I suppose the concealer with lipstick will suffice for now... tomorrow is never promised. and truly make every moment count like it's your last. So again, I want to thank my family/friends/supporters/knbc all make me very happy and blessed to be here.
It seems as if I'm going thru a range of emotions, thoughts, opinions, etc..and I must say, I apologize for possibly being Negative Nancy or waaay too Jamtastically silly. Especially in the past few days I've been internalizing certain notions, possibilities and when it cuts down to it, what I need to do to remain positive in times that may not favor my side.
As I sit here in my own space of truth, of course listening to Alicia Keys - "That's The Thing About Love" reminds me that it's all gonna be AY-O-K. And YES, I'm quite the Alicia Keys supporter because if you missed the first bizillion-trillion memos - she keeps me sane, keeps me focused, reminds me of the reality..just all thru her music. plus when i have some REALLY bad days like this range of moments I was going thru, her music calms the soul from being the crazy haitian it could possibly be if pushed too far....nah no worries, lol you'd know with a fair amount of warnings if that beast were to be unleashed, LOL... But, check these lyrics out:
Love Love will come find you Just to remind you Of who you are
Hold on It will forsake you Threaten to break you Take what you got
Everybody laughs Everybody cries Sure it could hurt you baby But give it a lil try See that's the thing about love
Friends Sometimes will blind you Sneak up behind you You cant give enough
Then life It will embrace you Totally amaze you So you don't give up
Everybody laughs Everybody cries Sure it could hurt you baby
But give it a lil try See that's the thing about love
Don't tell me that i'm not the only that's going thru it all Ohhh sometimes I feel like i'm the only that's going thru it all But its time Oh its time For me to shine Hey Its my time Oh its time For me to shine
Its my time Said its my time For me to shine Its my time Its bout time For me to shine
Everybody laughs Everybody cries Sure it could hurt u baby But give it a lil try That's the thing about love That's the thing about love That's the thing about That's the thing about love
So, here I declare my time of escaping this sub-rut I had created and GET WITH IT. I'm stoked to be going in the direction I had originally created for myself plus it never hurts when the divorced parentals also agree..LOL. But the way I see it, I needed to make sure I was completely in love and ready to COMMIT myself to this occupation of Sports Broadcasting. Well here I stand, an evolving human being with a passion to exceed all expecations, have fun, live life, work a lot harder and stay focused. I'm incredibly blessed to even have a 2nd chance - especially with the top tv station in a TOP market! With that being said, much is in the works that I should keep under the shapo (my french spelling for 'hat')..lets just say we'll be able to party phat style hopefully very soon. With that, here's the lyrics to ONE of my FAV songs.. "Sure Looks Good To Me"...
Life is cheap, bitter sweet But it seems good to me
Take my turn, crash and burn How its supposed to be
(CHORUS) So don't rain on my parade Life's too short to waste one day I'm gonna risk it all to freed on the fall Yes its sure looks good to me
Time passed by and leaves you behind Taken as you leave
Heaven knows, there's so much more More than what we see
(CHORUS) So don't rain on my parade Life's too short to waste one day And I'm gonna risk it all to freed on the fall Yes its sure looks good to me It sure looks good to me
(BRIDGE) Deep in my mind I'm secure we can buy I wanna see life or I die or a lie in an empty space
The darkness comes and I've been telling my soul And me and myself we turn around, we're getting old
But the lightning crashing, foolish emotions Of the burses and the beauty in this moment that we're feeling
And I feel like I'm seeing the world inside of me But I can tell you that no, its getting easy and I'm free
There's a cold in the morning, endless equation Of who've we become, it's a complex situation
So live, love, lie give love Live, love, lie give love Live, love, lie give love
It's who are we, anyway
(CHORUS) So don't rain on my parade Life's too short to waste one day I'm gonna risk it all to freed on the fall Yes its sure looks good to me It sure looks good to me (I'm telling you) It sure looks good to me It sure looks good to me Looks good to me Yeah, yeah, yeah
And again, I have to say THANK YOU to my family and REAL friends/awesome supporters/Alicia Keys/my hot friend that inspired me again/ my KNBC crew that have been there by my side thru my little jamtastic hang-ups to the moments of wanting to be stupid just because. So I vow to make you all proud and then we can party over and over lol ALL OVER. Trust and believe, I've been taking mental notes, the phonies will not have a jamtastic time. lmao But I appreciate those of you that support me in all of my wackiness, my trials and tribulations, whatever my 'next new project' seems to be, and just being there thru the good and the bad.
FYI: Oh and make sure to check out Today in L.A. (5am - 7am) on KNBC w/ Chris Schauble & Jennifer Bjorklund..I work as an E.A. (Editorial Assistant) for that so when you wipe the crust out of your eyes, think of me doing the 2am - 10am shift. waking up and working THAT early, has actually never been THIS fun. good times mayne. yes, it is sooo serious now.. On-Air Sports JAMtastic comes..lmao :0)
And if you go to: UCLA, USC, UCI, CSUN, Cal Poly Pomona, or Whittier College..make sure to sign up for the Campus MovieFest at: can win GOUDA and other prizes that also include your FILM in the Cannes Film Festival... [yes, that's my 2nd job] i TOLD you, it's soooo JAMtastically serious. lmao
..While being completely emo city..isn't normally my style..contrary to popular believe, while dying with having a bunch of dogs by my lonesome sounds like a fun american dream. I feel as if I've come a bit closer to certain realizations other than the ones I figured out while being at Big Bear Lake.
As I thought I had the outline and structure of what it was that I wanted in this "aspect" of my makes a bit more sense may not be the certain uuum, primetime "draft pick"..that I feel it should be at this moment in time..but I think we've made some progress. Although completely on some emo city presented: where i need to be, what i want to be, and what i want in my life.
Looking back at my past taste in the male species as a counter part of significant other type of taste has certainly oh man do i see how some of these fellas look that i HAD a massive crush on in like jr. high school and high school..some kept the looks while others i question if i was under the influence..yeah some just look THAT um, special. lol but i won't call any i'm not that evil..i believe in GOOD karma. But lets just my "adult" life where common sense is a bit more free flowing and feels as normal as when mother nature calls my entire name - this is TRUE progress people.
After being in a fairly lengthy rut that I was unaware of how long it would last..this individual made it possible for me to get my head out of my ass and get myself back together. while this may never EVER become a reality of notions to become the dynamic duo I can see successfully working, to have this hot dude as my friend, lol eh - good enough for me i suppose. since i NOW know how greatness and hottness can stand together in the same body of a humble, intelligent, motivated/driven, and genuine soul. he's stepped the bar and we never even dated..lmao now THAT's some SERIOUS type shit. So while being a visitor of Emo City - that's how we learn and how we evolved and I'm okay with that. You see, if I would have never met ole dude, I would have still gone off of false notions of what I want (at the time I thought I needed)..when in a funny way, he's shown me the light..and that I truly need to be the shit to achieve and such amazingness in my life. Remember, if you want someone..make sure you're on the same playing field - that you're NOT out of your league..lmao for this case, I don't think I was necessarily out of my LEAGUE..i was LAGGING on my league..lmao..but my friends - snooze and cruise control no more exsists in my jamtastic world. PLUS this buys me time - lol, while he deals with his um, stuff..get our friendship solid which is the way to go about it first i'll be over here getting it right in the world of jamtastic - JAMpacked fun. :-P
As I may continue to be butthurt a moment longer...I must say that I always enjoy and appreciate one that can inspire and motivate me - all while being THEMSELVES. Now THAT my friends is what seals the deal to become thee official hottness I speak of.
So, thank you special buddy lmao, that we will remain nameless unless they'd like to be officially shouted out.....
And I leave this post with songs that help you to get a glimpse of where I'm at in my life of evolution:
"Sure Looks Good To Me" - Alicia Keys
"Sweet Music" - Alicia Keys
"Butterflyz" - Alicia Keys {To cater to the emo side of me..lmao}
lol, there once was a retreat that took place in Big Bear Lake, CA for an amazing festival called "Campus MovieFest.".....
So make sure to enter the festival if you go to the following colleges: USC, UCLA, Whittier College, CSUN, UCI, Cal Poly Pomona.
to sign-up, go to:
and look out for us on your campus!!..come by and say CHELLO, lmao :0)
Also, check out the CMF trailer:
============ [[How the Event Works]]
1. Students from participating schools: just grab a group of friends, hallmates, teammates, or enemies, and sign up online before the deadline or all spots are filled. Select your school above to sign-up!
2. On the Launch Date, you'll get an Apple laptop, digital camcorder, and a week to make your own amazing five-minute-or-less movie. Were also handing out the latest AT&T phones to student filmmakers, and if you find a cool way to integrate the phone in your movie, you could win special prizes from AT&T.
3. During the week, we'll provide all the training and support you need. Just stop by Campus MovieFest Central to get all your questions answered.
4. The movies are turned in and judged by a panel of students and staff from your school. The top movies are showcased at a huge Campus MovieFest Finale celebration at your school -- red carpet and all -- and all movies are featured in highlights for the packed crowd to see. Students walk away with thousands of dollars in prizes.
5. Movies from each school move on to the regional and international grand finales with even bigger prizes and more community-wide attention... maybe even at Cannes, on AT&T mobile phones or in-flight on Virgin America.
felt like a jackass??..lmao, not in the assholish kind of way..but in the sagittarius "i need to put my foot in my mouth" kind of way...because i've clearly said waaaay too much..LOL!!
yeah. talk about getting caught up and way too excited for a possibility and a chance of a jamtastic time. hmm..yeah.
this waiting/patience thing..really IS a virtue. man, lol this is gonna be more work than i thought.
listen, here's the lowdown: there once was a hot guy that met this nerdy girl..but this nerdy girl gets hollered so take the 'nerdy' as you will..lmao..but the girl has been incredibly jaded in any other kind of notions of being in a situation / relationSHIT or "dealing" with one in the setting of lust and a possibility of something deeper..i suppose where emotions would be a bit more involved. they've even figured they have much in common including their current situations as well as childhood..which for this chick since she's now evolved from "girl" to a pretty big deal seeing as that she's never really been attracted to this TYPE a very truly new experience in the sense of in the past..there would have never been an attraction on her part.....
So in the spirit of how I feel at this current moment - i enjoy sharing and relating my life situtations to here are some vids to support my theory. [[ yeah i know, this is the emo part of the blog]] ...LMAO!!
So I wrote this @ Big Bear Lake this weekend on .. Sunday, 9/7/08 i didn't have internet service out there in the boonies..but here you go.........
Yo, I don’t even know if it’s something I can truly vocalize on camera via “vblog” (video blog)...but the notion of knowing one needs to TRULY step it up just in a sole interaction with what would possibly be considered one of the better human beings of the world it makes you come to several realizations:
1.) get the FUCK out of cruise control
2.) this is your type..don’t FUCK this up! So get out of cruise control and complete the action & notion of getting your SHIT together.
3.) Damn, is this just one of my really jamtastic dreams or is this real life?..forget a pinch, can we like hug for a really long time and then have a meaningful conversation and then see if I’m still alive.
4.) can we just cut to the chase, leave those skallywags alone and have a long jamtastic
5.) do NOT fuck this up!..i REPEAT – do NOT fuck this up.
6.) enjoy the moment that is................
...hopefully I’ll be able to comment on more and in a positive matter without any kind of controversy. Say many hail marys and many prayers to god for this to pop off in the best jamtastic way possible.
This is a very cool indie music site
Make sure you click on the 'Launch Music Player' to listen to music while
you view the site.
in reference to: The Eargasm (view on Google Sidewiki)
VIDEO: Inverse – “So Far”
Here it is folks…enjoy! Huge shouts to Donlee Brussel and our incredible
video team. Let us know what you think! Please vote for the video in MTVU’s
So it's kind of been some time since I've written on here...LOL, so here I
Today was a pretty low-key yet somehow subconsciously one of those