Wednesday, July 16, 2008

good times on youtube

so i've only recently become quite the youtube whore looking up videos. lol and actually enjoying it..since it originally became fairly bothersome in my world..but as the times change, so must here are some hilarious videos i recently stumbled accross that i felt like sharing..

CBS - Swift Cola - CBS Jingle

Retarded Policeman #1: Hi

Retarded Policeman #12: Casual Friday

KROQ-Dem Federline Boyz

iPhone Eyes

Rocka Fire Explosion Plays Love in This Club

dancing dora (Josh Witsell aka J-way)

dancing elmo (Josh Witsell aka Jway)

Soulja Boy by Elmo, Dora and Pooh

Boy Beyonce Bitch

Planet Unicorn

"Elmo's World - Behind the Scenes"

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