Hey Folks,
I know it's been way to long since I've written a blog. And I totally owe a new 'vblog' (lol, that's the cool way of saying video blog). Anyhoot - I wanted to clear up that the case of Bitchassness (or the one I was mainly focused on)..thank goodness was merely a false alarm. lol, lets hope it stays that way.
But speaking of Bitchassness.. I'm here at UCI and Campus MovieFest is unfortunately coming to an end. I had a blast meeting the students and really take a new perspective of looking at the college life, it's students, and all the extra curricular activities that go along with it. So today, was the day for UCI..UC Irvine for those that were stuck on that last letter. And another fantastic fact for those that may not know... I mostly grew up in Garden Grove (the ghetto fabulous part of the OC)..and then went to high school in Irvine (we moved there as well). So I've never really been a FAN per say of the city of Irvine and it's people that consist within it's borderlines of lies. hmm, Where to start. Lets just say, I've had numerous incidents that had fed into my notions of my complete dislike, but I met some outstanding individuals from there. Some I say hello to every once in a while whether it be online (facebook myspace)..or maybe meet up for an event/get together. So coming back to Irvine, I wasn't to stoked as one would put it so gingerly, but I had hopes of it being an evolving experience. You know like the love-hate kinds where once you hated it and now you can respect it. Well I can't really say that.
On my drive down here, that long ass haul is way too symbolic of going over the bridge to go to a bubble of bougy bullshit. I should have seen it, but I wanted to give it a chance, lol since that's what I really have been trying hard on - to give things a fair shot. Well this shot should have been shut for the get-go..lol. I had stopped at 'Peet's Coffee' across the street from UCI since my eyes all of a sudden wanted to be droppy from the ridiculous drive. Seriously, let me just say, the drive (especially on the 405) is just STUPID. It's like driving over a moet to get to a castle when it's just bling from the outside and no substance on the inside. So I was in the coffee place, and the girl started off being nice asking about my Campus MovieFest t-shirt and then was kind of dry with it after that and kind shoved my money back in my hand. Then her fat head boss ended up making my drink and of course put whip when I had specifically asked for it not to be on there. Eh, no biggie..people make human mistakes. Well the man was a bit rude about it, lol when he was the one in the wrong. On top of that, the vibe as soon as I got to this place was just OFF. I wanted to throw rocks at every single person in that joint. lol..but I didn't. Then it was off to good ole bubblicious UCI, I showed up to the Parking structure and the man goes 'What do you want?' with an attitude..lol after he had mumbled it the first time. So as you can see even though I was being a bit sensitive, these folks have been asking - no scratch that..more like demanding for rocks to be thrown at them.
Then I show up to the school, and the students are just as bad. Along with getting rocks thrown at them, they keep swift kick in the face. Definitely not a fan of this city. Republican nation..bougy nation.. need to go kick rocks.
I can't even say because they go to a UC, they're being like this...lol because the kids at UCLA were pretty cool folks. Especially for being approached everyday by some off campus folks, I'd say they're up there with being awesome along side the USC kids. And I can't even say it's the money thing because USC kids typically lets say have no problem paying their tuition. It must be something in the air, something on Cox Communications (their cable provider), the lack of diversity that make these people so off the chain ridiculous.
Well, god speed and the funny part is when these folks try to do the 'Hollywood' thing they get a rude awakening that we ain't in kansas anymore dorothy..lmao... well i guess that's what happens to sheltered kids? eesssh ignorant, yet book smart people really get me man..just doesn't make sense..lol that needs to be a part of the requirements to get into these oh so mighty institutions.
Man, I'm glad I live where I can see a Latino and Asian holding hands and a Black dude and a White dude walking down the other side of the street. F this plesantville in color mess..go to L.A. add to the evolution of your growth, don't feed your ignorance.
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