So Today has been full of interesting moments haha including when the camera in the studio brought on a life of it's own and slowly cruised into Elita's weather shot. lmao to check it out, go on my Facebook or look for Elita Loresca Meets "Jaws" The Cameraman!
Every morning when I go to work, I check my know after I check the tipline and find out if any newsworthy kind of stuff is going down ("the beatcheck"). lmao, now I must say..I don't just go to ONE horoscope "source"..I used to just go to Yahoo until I figured Facebook's horoscope tends to be a bit more accurate - plus the one on my blog uses Yahoo so I narrowed it down. My stance on horoscopes would be.. I believe them to a certain extent; however, I use it as more of a 'heads up' memo of what.. should, maybe, just possibly..HAPPEN.
So this is what I had as a 'memo' today...
Facebook [Chinese Horoscope]:
Wednesday, November 19
You could be acting a little foggy today, but you may be channeling the wisdom of the universe without realizing it. You could benefit greatly from meditation, prayer, and spiritual insights. Religious and spiritual issues will be important to you today.
Facebook [Sagittarius Daily Horoscope]:
Special insights, dreams, even psychic flashes may prove helpful today. Trust your gut feeling, especially where it comes to dealing with family members - your own, or the members of your partner's family. You are likely to be at odds with someone who isn't fully grounded in reality.
Yahoo [Daily Overview]:
QUICKIE: An authority figure might stir up difficult emotions, but a conversation won't help.
OVERVIEW: You're building up some serious goodwill with customers and neighbors today -- just by being yourself! Direct some of that positive energy outward and you should see amazing things start to happen spontaneously.
..lmao and then I normally go into a bit more depth with the Yahoo horoscope stuff...
haha, this time it was a bit of everything..I was most certainly a Space Cadet on wheels and I truly needed some prayer once I got home to fight the temptation. You see sometimes I have moments in my head it could be about anything, but if it's bad I gotta work through it. lmao you see, when I you ask me.. "How are you doing?"..and I say "...trying to stay out of trouble"..I truly AM trying to stay out of trouble. It's way too easy to get into trouble (at least for me it is) trying to make the better decisions when I absolutely do NOT want to - can be difficult on some days, some moments, some occasions. lmao almost like a've done it, you've overcome it..oooh but it's soo easy to get sucked back into that vortex.
ha, maybe in a memoir of sorts when I've made my gouda and lived life a bit more I can reveal these many complex dimensions of what and who I am.
For now, I'm thankful to have amazing family and friends and an awesome job I get a 2nd chance at....and somewhat of my although we have our struggles, the blessings are greater than the momentarily trivial (that will eventually get worked out). ha, I look forward to that day. I know my (day)dreams are merely a test to see how far I've come from the last time, lol so hopefully I pass because right now I'm getting stuck on question number 4. lmao.. eeesh...
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