So I had meant to write on here on Friday or at least Saturday..ha, and as you can see it's Sunday and I'm just now posting. Friday was one of those days where my dream of being a 'Sportscaster' ..were making more sense..and it was becoming surreal. I've only been an Editorial Assistant (E.A.) for KNBC News since Sept.; however, I've kind of been in the KNBC family for a bit - starting off as a Sports Intern and then every 2 years as an 'Olympic Logger' (helping with the Winter & Summer Olympic Games - Athens, Torino, Beijing). It was cool because as a logger I was actually getting paid and I got to be back at the place I loved dearly with the people I loved dearly. This time around after the Beijing Olympics, I knew this would be my last chance for romance as they say. You see, I had in a sense groomed myself for this be a Sportscaster. Ever since I was in high school, I knew this is what I wanted to do. Robin Roberts was my inspiration and motivation to want to be the best Sportscaster. I then tested it out in College and had a blast - from doing the Sports news on KSPC 88.7 FM to the 'Sports Jam Session' my buddy Connie and I had created that I hosted, co-produced/edited. I was fortunate enough to be sent out on shoots as a Sports Intern instead of just logging sporting events (which is also good practice because you get a better understanding of how a producer thinks and what they consider 'newsworthy'..haha what I like to call 'NASCAR-worthy')..
I call it NASCAR-worthy because the event itself is painful as hell to watch on your TV screen, lol, but every once in a while their may be a collision, an accident, some fire.. and this may sound insensitive, but if you were sensitive to everything in news, you'd be an emotional wreck for the most part and not be able to do your job. Don't get me wrong, I think it sucks and is incredibly unfortunate, but since it DID happen, we HAVE to report it. Which is why I'd rather do Sports over regular news just because I myself don't think I'd be capable of reporting a death, fire, etc. every day especially if I'm having an amazing day - lol I mean REALLY, lol if you know ME..I smile and laugh at the most random if it's an athlete at least it's someone the public can relate to and understand who they were before their passing. I don't know, that's just my point of view..I love Sports and love talking about it. :0)
Anyhoot, before I go off on another tangent, lets see where was I.. NASCAR-worthy..Sports Internship..oh, I say all of that to say that I needed to do all the random stuff I did in between my Internship and my E.A. spot instead of doing it back to back and work while in school......... working with Talent (Emcees, Bands, Comedians, etc.), working at JuiceCaster, know this is TRULY what I want to do. I don't regret any of the things I did, as a matter of fact, when I make it big, I would like to still be able to work with talent; however, as for right now, I have to do what I've been always been wanting to do, which is go full force on doing Sportscasting.
Friday: Seeing Robin Roberts in the 'Good Morning America' (GMA) hot seat...and then speaking with and getting great words of wisdom from Tara and David who have been in the biz for a very long time it sparked many notions and put into perspective what I need to do. I think the reason I neglected to FULLY commit in the beginning was because I would have to leave town - I would have to leave the Los Scandalous that I have learned to love. I would have to leave my family and friends for a year or so. It bums me out to think of it, but it's not like I'm leaving the country so everyone will still be a drive or flight away (depending on what market I start in). Of course I want to stay on the West Coast, but if it means I have to be in the boonies for a year or 2, then so be it. It's about the main point, and the main point is the big picture to eventually be in the L.A. or National Market. Everyone does it and that means I can fine-tune everything before the rest of the world gets to criticize., it's almost like I'm double thinking going to Grad School again just because this time, I feel like I'm learning a slew at work and I'm working on my Voice Over (VO) writing, then soon writing for a Live shot, and a Package. I'm stoked to have this one on one help from Camille. The industry is definitely about who you know and I've been incredibly blessed to have such top-notch folks helping me out to be great. I want to make sure I have the basics down in writing before making a reel and sending it out as MY product. From hearing the anchors, Jenn and Chris telling me their stories on how they started, Chris' mentors, etc. I'm loving every moment of this process. Even though I have many more steps to and I'm sure some people in the newsroom don't understand why I'm so happy no matter what time of the day it is while at work - I must say, it's completely genuine...after working other jobs where you get screwed over ...or you're just not happy ..or not everyone is on the same page.. you appreciate something like this, working in one of the top markets in the country- where you finally feel at home is an amazing feeling.
[lol, go to the 9 min. mark]
So pretty much as I have put it before, I needed to date around before figuring out that I really am in Love :0)
..May the journey and success continue..
Watch: 10 players sent to penalty box after Kraken-Capitals tussle
Penalties are common in hockey, especially those involving roughing.
However, on Sunday, one scuffle resulted in everyone present on the ice
being served w...
8 minutes ago